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Shining Stars of CIS

Shining Stars of CIS

We are delighted to share the enriching experience of three of our outstanding students, Syed Abdul Kabir Qadri, Wania Khan, and Hafiz Saif Ur Rehman, who recently represented NED University at the Spring Camp Cultural Exchange Program in China. Their journey was marked by a significant achievement: they cleared the HSK 1 International exam with brilliant scores, earning them the honor of being shortlisted by the CIUK(Confucious Center).

The Computer Information and Systems Engineering Department of NED University of Technology and Engineering is pleased to announce that its students of batch 2022, Aqiba Abdul Qadir and Fahad Rasheed, were selected as Section Leaders in Code in Place 2024. The department congratulates Aqiba and Fahad on securing spots among the 700 people selected worldwide, only 70 being from Pakistan from a group of 2000 applicants.

QubitCoders, the coding team consisting of Sibtain Ahmed and Faizan Sheikh from our department, conquered the TechFest'24 speed programming competition! They battled through a marathon of challenging edge cases, ultimately securing the first-place finish out of a pool of 42 outstanding teams.